Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Healthy Living: Day 1

Wednesday -- September 23, 2015

I woke up and got out of bed at 8:30am.
Considering that I've been sleeping in until 11:00am the past two mornings, this was definitely a good start.

I found myself feeling better than the previous night.  After writing my last post and focusing on all the negatives and things that I need to do...I just felt terrible.  I'm lucky enough to have a boyfriend who is very supportive.  He noted my accomplishments and basically told me to get over myself and go for what I want.  It was helpful.

So, I made myself and my niece breakfast.
Eggs with turkey (because I LOVE protein) and grapes.  I tried to avoid the carbs.

Later, I took my niece to the grocery store and bought several healthy foods that I would buy if I were living on my own...
Canned chicken, canned tuna, Walden Farms mayo (zero calories, zero carbs), quinoa chips, three seed multigrain crackers, carrots, broccoli, celery, cherry tomatoes, hummus, sundried tomato tortilla wraps, and hardboiled eggs.

(See...I KNOW how to eat healthy!  It's just a matter of DOING it!)

I was tempted to purchase lunch at the Price Chopper deli market, but I chose to be good and go home to make my own healthier meal.
I'll post a picture later, but I made myself a chicken salad wrap with quinoa chips, carrots, and hummus.

So far so good!

However, my allergies are kicking my ass and making me very, very sleepy.
My goal is to still go to the gym and later get my TB test done.  Oh, and clean my room.

Let's see what I can do.

-- EDIT --

I went to the gym for an hour and a half!!  (Go me!)
Let me tell you, though...I haven't felt THAT out of shape in a good while.  Man.
I also went and got my TB test.  Look at me gettin' shit done.

I was STARVING when I got home and had a small snack while waiting for dinner to be ready.
6 Artisan Muli-Grain Nut Crackers with one Laughing Cow Cheese wedge

For dinner I had salisbury steak, mushrooms, broccoli, and mashed potatoes.  I didn't go back for seconds or thirds like I usually do!!  (Seriously...portions are an issue for me....)
I also didn't drink any alcohol.

I really am trying to get back to a healthy mindset.

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