Friday, September 25, 2015

Day 3.

So, yesterday was a good healthy day.

Woke up at a decent time.
Made a healthy breakfast.
Meditated outside.
Made a healthy lunch.
Went to the gym.
Went tanning.
Cleaned my room (took FOREVER).
Ate a healthy early dinner.
Around 7:30pm my hunger spiked.  Big time.  
I tried my best not to eat too much.  I could have been worse.

Today, I screwed my whole rhythm up.
I woke up at 5:50am and couldn't fall back asleep.
So I made a healthy breakfast.
Watched my niece and spent time with her outside.
Drank 3 cups of coffee in that time, but was tired and decided to try to go back to sleep.
The caffeine has kept me from falling back asleep, even though my eyes are begging for more.
It's 1:00pm and I still can't get myself up.
I was too eager to get my day started.
Another obstacle: my family and I are going to Jose Peppers for a late lunch for my sister's graduation today.  Sounds great, but Mexican food is my absolute weakness in life.  
I MUST get the Red Tortilla Soup with NO margarita.
I didn't think it was going to be possible until these pictures were posted of me on Facebook today...

For the love of God...if these don't inspire me to drop the pounds, I don't know what will.
I'm 5'2 and 150 lbs is just too heavy for my frame.
I know this isn't positive self-talk...but I can't look at these pictures and be proud.  I just can't.

So anytime I'm tempted to eat something I shouldn' glance at these should do the trick.

This is Nicole Mejia.  
Same body type and my fitspiration.

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